Johnny Bobbitt Jr. made headlines last month after he used his last $20 to help Kate McClure during her time of need. Now, several weeks later, strangers from all over the world have ensured that he is properly repaid for his kindness.
McClure’s car had ran out of gas on the outskirts of Philadelphia when Johnny approached her and told her to wait in her vehicle, lock the doors, and wait for him to return.
The homeless veteran of the Marine Corps later returned with a gas can that he had bought with the last of his money.
Shocked by the stranger’s kindness, McClure set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Johnny.
The campaign went viral and ended up accumulating over $400,000.
As donations soared, Johnny asked McClure to end the campaign because “other people needed the money” – but after the page was down for 12 minutes, they received an outpouring of messages from people insisting that they still wanted to give their money to Johnny.
Now, in order to ensure that Johnny will never have to worry about money again, the donations are being managed by a lawyer and financial advisor who have already set up two trust funds in his name. One of the funds will be for giving Johnny a yearly “salary” that will take care of his daily living expenses. The other will act as a retirement fund for his future.
Johnny just bought a new home, and he says that he also plans on treating himself to his dream car: a used 1999 Ford Ranger.
Finally, he plans on donating to several organizations and individuals who have helped to look after him over the years.
Johnny posted a thank you note to the donors on the GoFundMe page, saying:
“Sorry for the lack of updates but I’ve been pretty busy the last few days as you can imagine (Kate taught me about emojis this week). Just wanted to let you all know that thanks to all of you and with the help of Kate and Mark I was able to purchase MY NEW HOME yesterday! The feeling is indescribable and it all thanks to the support and generosity that each and every one of you has shown. I’ll continue to thank you every single day for the rest of my life.”
Source: Homeless Man Who Used Last $20 to Help Stranded Woman Has Just Bought His Own Home
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